Supporting Your Overall Wellness

Feel your best and thank yourself later.


Let’s Talk exercise! Most of us feel strongly about exercise. Either you are ready to hit the ground running or dreading your workout.

Exercise is so much more than aesthetics. Daily movement can play a role in every aspect of your health and it doesn’t have to be boring or overly strenuous.

Below are my top reasons for moving my body daily. Check them out and see if your feelings about exercise change!

  1. Support Cardiovascular Health - Your heart is a muscle and just like other muscles in your body they your heart should be worked out too. Get your heart pumping while you run, walk, swim or bike. Even a yoga practice can get your heart rate up enough to strengthen this muscle!

  2. Improve Endurance - Aerobic exercise or any form of cardio can help improve your endurance. The more you do it, the easier it gets! Building endurance often comes before strength to build a strong base.

  3. Increase Strength - Strength is beneficial for everyday activities. Maybe you lift heavy objects often at work or would like to carry your children or grandchildren with ease. Building strong muscles will always come in handy!

  4. Reduce Stress & Tension - Feeling stressed? Hit the gym! Have you heard of someone saying, “Get it out of your system?” The idea is that you will move the stress right out of your system. Hit the walking path or take a bike ride to help you release stress and tension and feel energized and refreshed. When you workout, you release endorphins, these “feel good” hormones can improve your mood!

  5. Supports Depression - It is well-known fact that during the exercise your body releases a chemicals called Endorphins. These endorphins have multiple beneficial effects on our brain, like reduced perception of pain by acting like analgesics and having sedating effects. Some of these effects are the same as the response of our body to morphine, only since naturally produced in our brain, they are not causing addiction or dependence. These boost good feelings and happy thoughts and can help with the state of depression. So you have been diagnosed with depression, reach for your running shoes instead of drugs, stimulate those chemicals and you will see, it may actually change your life for better.

  6. Enhance Quality of Sleep - If you have trouble sleeping like I do, exercising regularly can help improve your quality of sleep. The more you exercise and tire out your body, the easier it will be for you to hit the hay. Making sure you get at least 6-8 hours of rest is key. I prefer to workout in the morning. When I workout at night, I tend to stay up later. Keep that in mind when choosing your exercise routine!

  7. Support Cognitive Function - Did you know working out also supports your cognitive function? When performing physical activity, your heart rate increases which pumps more blood throughout your body and oxygen to your brain. By exercising this level of oxigenation regularly, you can support your brain health!

  8. Transform Your Physique - One of the most obvious reasons that people work out is to transform their body. Aside from looking and feeling better, weight loss is beneficial for your heart health and overall wellness. As you burn calories through exercise and eat a healthy diet, you’ll begin to see your physique transform. Exercise can support health skin as well!

  9. Supercharge Your Metabolism - Studies have shown that exercising regularly can boost your metabolism. Metabolism is responsible for chemical reactions that occur in your body. As I mentioned above, a slower metabolism will have trouble with weight-loss while a faster one can help you lose fat and burn more calories. Feeding your body the proper nutrients at specific times will help speed up your metabolism as well.

  10. Boost Confidence - When you exercise regularly and start to see results, you may start to see a change in your confidence as well! As you start to feel good about your progress, you will start to glow again. Whether you’re excited about your weight-loss, increased strength, faster mile time, maybe you’re not feeling depressed anymore or your stomach is not bloated anymore… every small milestone is something to be proud of. Take the first step to thanking yourself!

  11. Celebrate Yourself - When you start today, you are taking the first step to being a better version of you. The very best version of yourself! The more frequently you work out, the more accustomed your body will be to it. Whatever life throws your way, remember you can always navigate it through a workout.  

Find a workout program that fits your needs.

I love Anisely Rodriguez She has an on-demand program where you can choose your workouts. She also plans out the weeks for you but they are easily changeable. You won’t ever get bored with her workouts because they are 30 mins or less!

Anisely also offers quick easy recipes on her on-demand program mediations and much more. Use my code Linds10 to receive 10% off your purchase!


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