I can hear the school bells now….
Are you and the fam gearing up for back to school? I have some natural tips and tricks to make this transition out of summer fun and back into the classroom or home school a breeze!
Let’s start by getting back on track with rest! I don’t know about your house but bedtimes get a little later during the summer months around here. We try our best to stick to a routine during school so the whole family can wake up feeling rested and ready for the day ahead.
Get this bedtime diffuser blend pumping about 30 minutes before bedtime as you ease back into your routine!
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Frankincense
You can also apply the Calmer roller to the bottoms of the feet as your little gets ready for bed!
Those first day jitters are THE WORST!
When the big feelings start to creep up in our home, we reach for our oils. For the littles, I love the Brave blend from the doTERRA Kid’s Collection. You can apply this blend to pulse points or inhale straight from the roller!
Fractionated Coconut Oil, Wild Orange, Amyris, Osmanthus and Cinnamon work together to create a confident and courageous atmosphere… exactly what some of us need (yes, even the adults!) on those first days of school.
Imagine empowering your littles to reach for natural products!
The doTERRA Kid’s Collection has been a lifesaver many times over because it is prediluted and ready for use!
Brave - Be Courageous
Rescuer - Soothe Sore Muscles
Thinker - Focus Those Thoughts
Calmer - Encourage Rest
Stronger - Support the Immune System
Steady - Calm and Ground
Tamer - Support Digestion
This toolbox for littles is one of my favorite collections from doTERRA. Even though these rollers are diluted for younger oil users, adults can reap the benefits too. You can learn more about the doTERRA Kid’s Collection and purchase here:
One last tip for back to school success is a focus on immune support! Keep those immune systems functioning well by limiting sugar intake, sticking to supplementation, proper hydration and adequate sleep. It seems like someone always ends up with the sniffles shortly after school starts!
In our home, we work hard to support our immune system with essential oils too. Applying essential oils topically, diffusing oils in our spaces and ingesting essential oils has helped us stay as healthy as possible even when seasonal threats are high.
The Stronger blend from the Kid’s Collection and doTERRA’s line of On Guard products have been our go-to’s!
You can find all of doTERRA’s On Guard products here:
Just a reminder, there is no way to stay completely free from sickness but supporting our bodies naturally as a part of a healthy lifestyle has definitely helped!
My hope for you is that your start to the school year is a smooth transition for the whole family! To all the parents, YOU’VE GOT THIS!